I think you will be seeing a lot more pictures like this in the coming months.
I live in a very nice little studio apartment, with a tiny kitchen, no air conditioning, windows on only one wall and on the 6th floor of my building, which also happens to be the top floor. Even boiling water for pasta this evening was torturous in terms of the heat. So, it’s cold foods for me. Boiling pasta or other grains will happen in the mornings when it’s still a little chilly, and large salads will be made. And Popsicles. And iced tea. I will get through the summer without breaking down and installing an air conditioner.
The salad above was made with fresh greens from the farmer’s market, which also included some edible flowers (which I actually don’t like to eat, but they sure are pretty on a salad. Or a cake. I put them all over my birthday cake last year, but the pictures never made it off of my camera. I guess I’ll have to try again this year, though I’m not sure how much I really want to bake a vegan cake in July without air conditioning). Served with some Chicken-less Strips from Trader Joe’s.