I got nothing for food today. I have some pictures and recipes to post from Thanksgiving that I hope to get to soon, but it’s end-of-semester madness around here, so there you have it.
I’m contemplating a food-lifestyle experiment for the coming year to help me reduce the amount of vegan junk food that I buy. Seriously, as long as you can afford to spend extra money, there’s no reason that you should ever miss any kind of animal-type food- there’s just so much available that’s vegan now. It’s unreal! And very bad for my pants, which seem to be shrinking.
Speaking of over-availability of things, let’s talk about “The Big Three,” since that’s all over the news these days.
I would feel terribly for people to be out of work. I want to get that out there. However, why on earth are we supporting the bailout of the auto industry? Seriously, how many cars can we possibly need? Supply – demand… does this mean nothing? We should be doing something entirely different and moving that industry into something else… what, I don’t exactly know, but can we possibly sustain all this consumerism forever? I mean really, I don’t know these things, but it seems awfully counter-intuitive. Encouraging people to buy more stuff that they don’t need and is terrible for the environment to save jobs doesn’t seem to be the answer. Anyone?
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