This is one of those pictures I took over the last few months and am using now, since today was an all left-over day. Mondays start at 8AM with Pathophysiology and don’t end until after 7PM, when I’m done with work. Mondays are rough.
At any rate, this is something that I made over the summer- raw cheeze and raw crackers. The cheeze is from Ani Phyo’ s Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable Living Foods Recipes
and the crackers were something that I made up from looking at a bunch of different recipes. It’s basically 2 cups of flax seed, ground, with some sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, parsley, basil and a little agave with enough water to hold it all together. I don’t have a dehydrator, but my oven has a pretty constant temperature of around 100F when it’s turned off. I spread the mixture out onto two cookie sheets covered with parchment, and then scored the mixture into squares. It took a couple of days to dry out in the oven, and I turned it once. I stored them in the fridge, and they’ve kept for quite a while. Good stuff!
And while I’m on the subject of Raw food, you should check out my friend Raw Bart’s blog. 🙂
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