Really simple to make- served along with greens and Roasted Fingerling Potatoes from the Candle 79 Cookbook.
This was a simple dinner I made the other night, just after I got home from work. The tempeh came together quickly while the potatoes were roasting- you definitely have a few minutes before you need to start making the tempeh while the potatoes are in the oven. This meal took about 45 minutes to make (maybe 15 minutes for the tempeh), but much of that was cooking time where I didn’t have to do anything else.
The glaze for the tempeh is really more an intuitive cooking thing- where you throw together a bunch of things that sound good. Essentially, you need enough liquid to cover the tempeh in the casserole dish. For half a block of tempeh (half of an 8 oz package), about 3/4 cup liquid (total) is enough. I’m not giving amounts because you really can’t go wrong! By all means, use whatever it is that you have on hand! If you want to cut the calories, you can definitely have water make up the bulk of the liquid, rather than the cider. You just need something with sugar to make it sticky at the end.
Sriracha-Maple-Cider Glazed Tempeh
- Tempeh- one-half block per 3/4 cup liquid
- Apple cider or juice
- Vegetable Broth
- Sriracha
- Maple Syrup (or agave, or brown rice syrup…)
- Tamari, Soy Sauce, or Bragg’s (just a splash)
- Garlic Powder
- Ground Pepper
- Slice the tempeh into strips.
- Arrange the strips in one layer in a covered, microwavable dish.
- Mix your marinade together in a small bowl, and pour over the tempeh strips. Cover the dish, and microwave for 4 minutes.
- Heat a cast iron skillet. When hot, add the microwaved tempeh and marinade to the pan.
- Cook about 3 minutes on each side, or until browned. Let all the liquid reduce until sticky and clinging to the tempeh.
- Remove from heat and serve!
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