Served with kale and leftover corn pudding from yesterday.
Tonight’s meal is centered on Masala Baked Tofu from Appetite for Reduction. If you’re reading this blog and you’re trying to eat healthy- you own that book, right? Because you totally should. Awesome low-fat, easy to prepare and tasty recipes!
If I had taken five minutes last night to mix up the marinade, I could have been eating 45 minutes after I got home. Alas, I had not, so I had to wait an extra hour to marinate. It was okay though- I just had dessert first. 😉
One of the wonderful things about cooking from cookbooks is that you get some really good directions. I have never had a baked tofu as good as this one was- broiling it at the end made all the difference!
What I’m learning with all these homemade meals is that planning is key. Ideally I would plan out all four of these weeknight meals at the beginning of the week so that I could have all the little things ready ahead of time. That would have been a real time saver, for a night like tonight.
Isn’t it nice that veganmofo can teach us something?
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